#include-once #include #include #include #include ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: _FileGetIcon ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Function for getting file icons. ; Author(s) .....: Rob Saunders (therks) ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _FileGetIcon ; Description ...: Get icon location for a file path/type. ; Syntax.........: _FileGetIcon($sFilePath) ; Parameters ....: $sFilePath - Path to file, folder, URL, etc. ; Return values .: Returns 2 element array: [0] = Icon file path, [1] = icon index/ordinal. ; Failure: Sets @error: ; |1 - Path is drive root but cannot determine drive type ; |2 - Path is shortcut file but unable to read it ; |3 - The extension is not registered ; |4 - The filetype is not registered or has no DefaultIcon set ; |5 - Icon file does not exist and cannot be found ; |6 - Icon is invalid and cannot be loaded ; Author ........: Rob Saunders (rob at therks dot com) ; Modified.......: Rewrite to use more reliable WinAPI functions ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _FileGetIcon($sFilePath, $sDefaultIcon = '', $sDefaultIndex = '') Local $t_SHFILEINFO = DllStructCreate($tagSHFILEINFO) ; ptr hIcon;int iIcon;dword Attributes;wchar DisplayName[260];wchar TypeName[80] _WinAPI_ShellGetFileInfo($sFilePath, BitOR($SHGFI_ICONLOCATION, $SHGFI_TYPENAME), $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, $t_SHFILEINFO) ; #include Local $aReturnIcon = [ DllStructGetData($t_SHFILEINFO, 'DisplayName'), DllStructGetData($t_SHFILEINFO, 'iIcon') ] ; Initialize $aReturnIcon If Not $aReturnIcon[0] Then ; If no icon from ShellGetFileInfo, try AssocQueryString Local $sExt, $sIconData Local $aCheckProtocol = StringRegExp($sFilePath, '^(.+?)://', 1) ; check for protocol style path (ie: http://, file://, ftp://, etc) If Not @error Then If $aCheckProtocol[0] = 'file' Then ; If path is a file URL, convert to normal file path and pass to function Return _FileGetIcon(_WinAPI_PathCreateFromUrl($sFilePath)) ; #include Else ; Get registry data for the protocol $sIconData = _WinAPI_AssocQueryString($aCheckProtocol[0], $ASSOCSTR_DEFAULTICON) ; #include $aReturnIcon = _WinAPI_PathParseIconLocation($sIconData) ; #include EndIf Else $sExt = _WinAPI_PathFindExtension($sFilePath) ; #include ; Special case extension processing Switch $sExt Case '.lnk' ; Analyze shortcut files to get the icon Local $aShortcut = FileGetShortcut($sFilePath) If Not @error Then If $aShortcut[4] Then ; If the shortcut has a custom icon Local $aReturnIcon = [ $aShortcut[4], $aShortcut[5] ] Else ; If no custom icon, pass shortcut target to function Return _FileGetIcon($aShortcut[0]) EndIf EndIf Case '.url' ; Analyze .URL file data for custom icons $aReturnIcon[0] = IniRead($sFilePath, 'InternetShortcut', 'IconFile', '') $aReturnIcon[1] = IniRead($sFilePath, 'InternetShortcut', 'IconIndex', '') Case '.scr', '.exe' ; .exe is good for returning %1, but .scr seems to return blank $aReturnIcon[0] = $sFilePath EndSwitch If Not $aReturnIcon[0] Then ; We put this outside the switch in case one of the special case methods returned an empty icon ; We can still maybe get an icon by filetype $sIconData = _WinAPI_AssocQueryString($sExt, $ASSOCSTR_DEFAULTICON) ; #include $aReturnIcon = _WinAPI_PathParseIconLocation($sIconData) ; #include EndIf EndIf EndIf If $aReturnIcon[0] = '%1' Then $aReturnIcon[0] = $sFilePath Else If $aReturnIcon[1] < 0 Then $aReturnIcon[1] = -$aReturnIcon[1] Else $aReturnIcon[1] = -($aReturnIcon[1]+1) EndIf EndIf If UBound($aReturnIcon) <> 2 Or Not $aReturnIcon[0] Then Local $aReturnIcon = [ $sDefaultIcon, $sDefaultIndex ] Return SetError(1, 0, $aReturnIcon) Else $aReturnIcon[0] = _WinAPI_PathFindOnPath(FileGetLongName(_WinAPI_ExpandEnvironmentStrings($aReturnIcon[0]))) ; #include / #include Return $aReturnIcon EndIf EndFunc